Time For Me

When we reach menopause our lives do not stop. We are still women, wives, mothers, daughters and our lives can often be busier than ever. For this reason, it is even more important now to have a little of our own space, space to learn and grow, a time for you!

During menopause, our bodies are changing and it is very important that we put time aside to take care of ourselves. We are always good at taking care of other people so now is the time to focus on our own needs and not feel guilty about taking time out for ourselves. Menopause can challenge many things in life, your marriage, your relationships with children and other people.


Be gentle with yourself and listen to what your changing body needs. Recognise the things in life that recharge you and do them as often as you can, it could be a long walk, a bubble bath, listening to music or meeting friends. Personally, I find getting together with friends to have a good laugh is so therapeutic. Spend time with people you enjoy and do not isolate yourself. Dream up new things to do and new adventures, plan ahead and reinvent yourself.

Whichever stage you are at, remember you are not alone, there are millions of women going through menopause right now. Life becomes more about you and the things that are important to you.

Be happy within yourself and indulge yourself, you have earned it. A spa break with friends, a pampering facial or something as simple as an afternoon nap!

When everything in your life appears to be changing out of your control, here are some ideas on how to feel like you again….
